Vital Black

Dear Beneficiary,

At First Medical Health Plan, Inc., we are grateful for the opportunity to take care of your health through the Vital Plan. The following links will give you access to valuable information about the services offered by the Vital Plan.

You can request a printed copy of these documents free of charge, and FMHP will send them to you within 5 business days. Remember, your health is our priority. For questions, to request the documents, or to encounter problems accessing the documents, call 1-844-347-7800 (TTY/TDD 1-844-347-7805) or log on to www.firstmedicalvital.com.


Compliance Department
First Medical Health Plan, Inc.

The Customer Service Department offers language and sign language interpreter services free of charge. This includes, service alternate formats such as; Braille, enlarged print and translation into other languages, verbal or written, among others. If you need plan information in another format or language, please contact our Customer Service Department Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 1-844-347-7800. Hearing impaired users TTY/TDD should call 1-844-347-7805, toll-free.

El Departamento de Servicio al Cliente ofrece servicios de intérprete de idiomas y Lenguaje de Señas libre de costo. Esto incluye, servicio de formatos alternos tales como; Braille, letra agrandada y traducción a otros idiomas, verbal o escrito, entre otros. Si usted necesita información del plan en otro formato o lenguaje por favor comuníquese con nuestro Departamento de Servicio al Cliente al de lunes a viernes de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. al 1-844-347-7800. Usuarios audio-impedidos TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-844-347-7805, libre de cargos.

First Medical cumple con las leyes federales aplicables de derechos civiles y no discrimina en base a raza, color, origen de nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad, o sexo.  First Medical complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.  First Medical 遵守適用的聯邦民權法律規定,不因種族、膚色、民族血統、年齡、殘障或性別而歧視任何人.

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