
If you need additional information, please visit ASES website through the ASES button Government Health Plan of Puerto Rico Welcome letter, Enrollee manual, Gov. Rosell├│, 10.30.2018 What You Need to Know About the Recertification Process – Medicare Program



Rights and ResponsibilitiesYour Rights Consumer Civil Rights Notice Your Right to Privacy (HIPAA) Your Responsibilities Advance Directives Fraud & Abuse Credentialing Status FMHP If you need additional information, please visit ASES website through the ASES button CONSUMER CIVIL RIGHTS NOTICE FMHP_23_136_INT_E_Aviso-sobre-los-Derechos-Civiles-de-los-Consumidores_English-Approved-11302023


Notices to Beneficiaries

If you need additional information, please visit ASES website through the ASES button Notices to Beneficiaries Notification of involuntary provider error outside of the provider network441.8 KBAbdominal Pain249.7 KBAdherence to Pharmacological Treatment228.0 KBAdvance Directives204.3 KBAlcohol, Cigarette and Substance Use During Pregnancy324.1 KBAnnual Physical and Mental Health259.7 KBAppropiate Medication Use267.6 KBAppropiate Use of Medications to Control…


Request for the Appeal File Copy

Complaints, Grievances and AppealsComplaints, Grievances and Appeals System ComplaintWhat is a Complaint? Need to make a complaint about your care? What happens if my complaint isn’t fixed? GrievanceWhat is a Grievance? How can I file a grievance? AppealWhat is an Appeal? What will happen when First Medical gets the appeal? What can I do if…


Complaints, Grievances and Appeals System

Complaints, Grievances and AppealsComplaints, Grievances and Appeals System ComplaintWhat is a Complaint? Need to make a complaint about your care? What happens if my complaint isn’t fixed? GrievanceWhat is a Grievance? How can I file a grievance? AppealWhat is an Appeal? What will happen when First Medical gets the appeal? What can I do if…


Complaints, Grievance and Appeals Form

Complaints, Grievances and AppealsComplaints, Grievances and Appeals System ComplaintWhat is a Complaint? Need to make a complaint about your care? What happens if my complaint isn’t fixed? GrievanceWhat is a Grievance? How can I file a grievance? AppealWhat is an Appeal? What will happen when First Medical gets the appeal? What can I do if…


What can I do if don’t agree with the decision?

Complaints, Grievances and AppealsComplaints, Grievances and Appeals System ComplaintWhat is a Complaint? Need to make a complaint about your care? What happens if my complaint isn’t fixed? GrievanceWhat is a Grievance? How can I file a grievance? AppealWhat is an Appeal? What will happen when First Medical gets the appeal? What can I do if…
