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Can I change my PCP?

Yes, you can change your PCP at least once a year. There are other reasons why you may need to change your PCP. For example, you may want to see one whose office is closer to you. To change your PCP you must call First MedicaI to corroborate whether the change may be performed.

You can also change to a new Primary Medical Group if the PCP you want to see is in a different Primary Medical Group.

Most of the time, after the first ninety (90) days of signing up with First Medical, you can change your Primary Medical Group at any time for some reasons, like if:

  • Your PCP can’t give you the care or treatment you need because of ethical (moral) or religious reasons.
  • Your PCP can not offer all the services that you need at the same time. Failure to receive all services as ordered may represent an unnecessary risk for you.
  • You get bad quality care.
  • You can’t access the services you need.
  • Your PCP doesn’t have experience to take care of your health care needs.

For orientation and to make the change, call First Medical at 1-844-347-7800; TTY/TDD users should call 1-844-347-7805.

Another reason why your PCP or Primary Medical Group could change is if your PCP or Primary Medical Group stops working with First Medical. If this happens, First Medical will send you a letter letting you know your new PCP or Primary Medical Group. If you want to change your PCP or Primary Medical Group, call First Medical at 1-844-347-7800; TTY/TDD users should call 1-844-347-7805.